The Lord has called this team of Saints, from Belize and around the world, who seek to Glorify God by pointing people to Jesus Christ, calling them to repent and believe the Gospel for the forgiveness of sins.
Gideon Richards –Pastor
(Pastor of Sovereign Grace Church, Jacintoville, Toledo District, Belize, C.A.)
Gideon Richards is the Pastor of Sovereign Grace Church in Toledo. His passion is to see men and women come to true saving faith in Jesus Christ ALONE.
He preaches and teaches verse by verse through Gods Holy Word. It’s not in works, sacraments or some religious system…but Christ ALONE.
Looking for a church that seeks to glorify God by preaching the Word, evangelizing the lost, discipling the saved, and obeying Jesus Christ, all by the power of the Spirit? Join us for worship Sundays at 10am. Listen to Pastor Gideons sermons HERE.
Nate Steuer –Evangelist
(sent by Emmanuel Baptist Church, Great Cacapon, WV & Sovereign Grace Church, Belize, C.A.)
I was raised in a “Christian” home with loving parents who raised me with good morals and values. The Bible was present in the home but never taught. We bounced around from church to church to church until my Father couldn’t find a church he liked and just had us listen to Bible tapes. I would usually nap while they were playing. I had no desire for the things of God (Pr 14:6). It was all about me. My life, my body, my pleasures (2 Tim 3:2-4). Shortly after I married my wife (Pr 18:22) Sheila, I was out getting mail and a man stopped by the mailbox and was asking for directions. He started talking about the things of God and before I knew it I was attending a Bible study in his home. They were studying Revelation, which I found way over my head, and stopped attending. But God began to draw me (Jn 6:44, Ps 65:4) unto Him by His Precious Holy Spirit. Sheila and I started church hopping and finally settled at a church. It was a “feel good” church (2 Tim 4:3). We didn’t know the difference. I went to church, attended church functions, and even carried my Bible. I claimed to be a “Christian” (Matt 7:21-23) but never truly followed the Lord Jesus Christ (Matt 16:24). I loved the world and the things of the world (1 Jn 2:15) more than I loved the Savior (Jn 14:23). I watched the same movies, listened to the same music and even continued in the same sins I loved so much. I had no desire to obey Jesus (Jn 14:15) or read His Word. I compared myself to others in the church and justified my sins as being OK. After all, the majority of other “Christians” in the church were doing the same things …there was never a true change in my life (2 Cr 5:17). I thought that just praying the “sinner’s prayer” was good enough to get me into Heaven and right standing with God. It was not. I had worldly sorrow that leads to DEATH (2 Cor 7:10). I was sold the lie of American Christianity. I lived a “double life” (Matt 15:8) for many, many years. I was never told about sin (1 Jn 3:4), judgment (Heb 9:27), hell (Rev 20:15), God’s standard (Matt 18:3) or my standing (Jam 4:4) before Him. I didn’t know that He was a Holy (Ps 99:9), Righteous (Ps 116:5) and Just (Deu 32:4) God who formed me in my mother’s womb (Ps 139:13) and commanded my full submission to Him (Act 17:30). I definitely wasn’t told I needed to be born again (Jn 3:3) nor would I have known what that meant. I was happy and content with MY “decision” to follow Jesus. I was a “good” guy …at least I thought I was (Rom 3:12). Little did I know that I was not following Him at all …I was following Satan (Jn 8:44). I remember one day listening to a sermon about true and false conversions and really being convicted. Then started attending another church that had a 14 day revival and they challenged me to “examine” (2 Cor 13:5) and make my calling and election sure (2 Pet 1:10). At that point the Lord was gracious enough to open my eyes (Act 9:18) and grant me the gift of Godly sorrow that leads to LIFE (2 Cor 7:10). Praise be to God that He never left me in my sins (Eph 2:1) but FREED ME from the captivity I was under (Luk 4:18). At that point my life completely changed. I was transferred from darkness into light (1 Pet 2:9), death into life (2 Tim 1:10). I was a new creation! He took out my stony heart and replaced it with a heart of flesh (Eze 36:26). He so dramatically changed my life (Rom 6:4-6) and desires that all I want to do is bring Glory and Honor to His name forever! He has placed a burning desire in my bones (Jer 20:9) to proclaim His precious Gospel to a lost and dying world (2 Tim 4:2). I am blessed to be married to Sheila (the love of my life and best friend) …a wonderful, supportive, praying woman (Pr 31). The Lord has graciously placed 5 children in our quiver (Ps 127:5) and a grandchild on the way! Sheila and I enjoy raising our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Eph 6:4) and are trusting that His Word will not return void (Is 55:11) in their lives (Pr 22:6). We often minister as a family at local events to reach the lost. Our family calls Belize our earthly home. We are blessed to be sent by and under the eldership of Pastor Gideon Richards at Sovereign Grace Church in Toledo, Belize and Pastor Larry Tomlinson at Emmanuel Baptist Church in Great Cacapon, WV. Watch Nates video bio HERE.
Larry Tomlinson –Pastor
(Pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church, Great Cacapon, WV)
Pastor Larry preaches in an expository manner. He is committed to teaching the Bible every Sunday. He is Reformed in his theology and this carries through to his teaching and preaching.
We believe the Holy Bible was written by men divinely inspired and is God’s revelation of Himself to man. There is one and only one living and true God. God is triune and reveals Himself to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Man is the special creation of God, made in His own image. God created them male and female as the crowning work of His creation. By his choice man sinned against God and brought sin into the world and human race. Salvation involves the redemption of the whole man, and is offered freely to all who accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. It is only by the blood of Jesus Christ that salvation for man is found.
Baptism by immersion is an act of obedience symbolizing the believer’s faith in a crucified, buried, and risen Saviour.
The Lord’s Supper is an act of rememberance of the death of Jesus Christ and anticipate His second coming. We have an open table and serve the Lord’s Supper to members and non-members that attend our church as long as they are professing Christians. We serve the Lord’s Supper the 1st Sunday of each month. He is the current pastor and has served Emmanuel since 2001. Pastor Larry boldly proclaiming our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in Montego Bay, Jamaica HERE. Listen to Pastor Larrys sermons HERE.
Don Karns –Evangelist
(sent by Poquoson Baptist Church, Poquoson, VA)
Don Karns is a born again believer, redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ. Born with the the nature of Adam, a nature that was in rebellion to God and in love with self, sin and the world. But now by God’s grace and in a demonstration of His mercy made a new creature in Christ, sealed by the Holy Spirit of God, all for the glory of God. Those who have known me and my past, behold the old things have passed and all things made new.
Luke twenty four vs 47 is dedicated to bringing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to a lost and fallen world and proclaiming what the Lord Jesus Christ did for sinners in order to bring us right before Him, and to bring Glory to God. The name of my ministry came from the Bible: “This is what is written, the Messiah would suffer and rise from the dead the third day, and repentance and remission of sins would be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning at Jerusalem.”
For Jesus Christ came not to condemn the world but that through Him the world might be saved. For GOD so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son so that whoever believed upon Him should not perish but have eternal life. I testify everything is from God, who reconciled us to Himself and has given all believers the ministry of reconciliation. That is, in Christ, God was reconciling the world to Himself, not counting their trespasses against them, and He has committed the message of reconciliation to us. Therefore as believers we are ambassadors for Christ, certain that God is appealing through us. And so we plead on Christ”s behalf, “Be reconciled to God” for He made the One who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 2 Co 5.18. Have you come to the place where you have acknowledged your guilt before a Just and Holy GOD, Have you come to know that there is no merit in you or in your deeds that would compel GOD to passover your transgressions and unless GOD were to grant you mercy instead of His justice; unless by the unmerited favor (grace) of GOD, He would grant you the saving faith to believe that your iniquities had been placed upon His Messiah and that Christ’s obedience were credited to your account so that you were declared righteous or clothed in the righteousness of Christ, that you had been redeemed from the curse of the law, that your ransom had been paid in full, not by silver, gold, or the blood of goats and bulls, by the precious blood of GOD’s eternal Son Jesus Christ? Have you been born again ? Can you look to your life and see some sign of conversion, some fruit of repentance, the turning from self and turning to GOD? Has GOD taken your love for sin and the world and replaced these with a hunger and a thirst for righteousness? Have you been sealed by the Holy Spirit of GOD that you could call GOD your Father knowing that a father would not allow his child to remain in sin. Though not yet perfect can you honestly say that you are not who you were? Are you ashamed of that life and so devoted your life to the One who gave His life freely that you would live in Him and by Him and for Him and through Him? Then rejoice and be glad. If not fear the day and moment when you take your last breath and close your eyes for the last time. That instant comes for us all and after death comes the judgement of GOD. We must all stand before the judgement seat of Christ. Look to Christ and be saved all ye to the ends of the earth! All reconciliation with GOD, all grace all mercy all forgiveness all hope all wisdom all knowledge and life eternal are found in Christ. Look to Him. One more thing. He is the Way the Truth and the Life and no one comes to the Father but by Him. There is no other name under heaven given by men by which we must be saved. Jesus is GOD. To deny this is to deny the only way that you can be saved. For salvation is of the LORD and will give His glory to none other. Watch Dons video bio HERE.
Mike Stockwell –Evangelist
(sent by First Baptist of Patchogue, Patchogue, NY)
Mike Stockwell is a full time evangelist, sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with people throughout America, Europe, Jamaica and wherever the Lord leads. Distributing gospel tracts, open air preaching and pursuing one to one conversations are the means by which Mike proclaims and explains salvation through Christ. Cross Country Evangelism seeks to follow the command of Jesus Christ by proclaiming freedom to the captives!
Watch Mikes video bio HERE.
Robert Gray –Evangelist
(sent by Mesa Hills Bible Church, Colorado Springs, CO)
Robert grew up in a Christian home in Portsmouth NH and believed himself to be a Christian for 14 years until he realized he wasn’t saved. God granted him faith and repentance in 1998 and he’s been indebted to Christ growing and maturing in God’s mercy and grace ever since. He counts it all joy to serve Him in whatever capacity needed in order to give Him all the glory.
Robert became a full time evangelist 16 August 2009 after serving for 20 years in the United States Air Force. He is based out of Colorado Springs, CO where he is a member of Mesa Hills Bible Church. He attended Living Waters Ambassador’s Academy in October 2008 and is an experienced evangelism team leader where he served at the Ambassador’s Academy, “The 500,” JeremiahCry Ministries, Thunder Over Scotland Tour, and Super Bowl Outreaches in Dallas, Indianapolis and New Orleans where he was also a speaker. He has participated in a number of outreaches as a member of Cross Country Evangelism (CCE) a ministry proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ locally in Colorado, across the United States and countries around the world distributing gospel tracts, one to one witnessing and open air preaching. The preaching of the CCE is known to be authoritative, biblical and bold calling people to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ the Lord. The ministry also conducts evangelism training and mentors and disciples open air preachers.
Watch Roberts video bio HERE.
Does open-air preaching produce results? Watch The Last Call HERE and you decide.
Don Currin -Pastor
(Pastor of Providence Gospel Church, Sheffield, AL)
Following multiple professions of faith over a period of 20 years, Don was converted to Christ while attending Bible College in the fall of 1974. The following year he was called to preach and shortly after, led into the ministry of itinerant evangelism.
While in school, Don led a team of young preachers to local churches on the weekends to conduct soul winning clinics and train believers in door to door evangelism. After graduation in the spring of 1979, he worked with Treasure Path to Soul Winning for a brief time.
On May 30, 1981, he was ordained into the gospel ministry. Since that time the Lord has provided numerous opportunities to preach in churches, conferences and retreats in 33 U. S. states and 26 foreign countries on five continents.
Don is involved in church planting both as a planter and consultant. He has founded churches in North Carolina and Alabama.
Presently, Don is involved in multiple ministries including itinerant ministry, serving as Eastern European Coordinator with HeartCry Missionary Society in Radford, VA, and caring for the Providence Gospel Church faith family in Tuscumbia, AL, as interim pastor. Listen to Pastor Dons sermons HERE.
Frank Rollberg -Evangelist
(sent by Providence Gospel Church, Sheffield, AL)
In the spring of the year 2000 the LORD drew me to himself. After living a life of self centeredness and living for myself not having any regard for anyone or any thing the LORD crushed me. My life was falling apart around me my sin was catching up to me and that was by GODS design. At work one day a guy who was a JW(God can even use JW=s to awaken a dead soul) asked what was my purpose in life and what I was here for and I said to do the best we can and hope that will be enough to get to Heaven when I die. This was the catalyst that GOD used and the Holy Spirit opened my blind spiritually dead soul. I picked up a Bible and started to read it for the first time in my life and the Spirit of God opened my eyes and I hungered and thirsted for Gods word to know more . At this time the Holy Spirit convicted me of my sins of my youth and my present sins. I was living a morally bankrupt life. I then understood my terrible faith before a just and Holy God that if I stood before Him on judgement day I would be cast into Hell. I understood I was A liar(9th commandment) in Gods sight and that I was guilty of adultery(7th commandment) and that I created a God in my own image that didn’t exist(.2nd commandment) That I was a thief(8th commandment) all my life and if I stood before Him that I was in big trouble if I died in my sins. I got down on my knees in my room one night and confessed and repented of all the sins in my life that I could think of even the sins of my youth and asked God to forgive me and give me a new heart and I put my faith and trust in Him (Jesus) alone for my eternal salvation. God gave me a new heart that desired the things of God and a hatred of sin I never had before. As God continues to grow me in the likeness of His Son I am sorrowed when I slip up and sin (not habitual sin) I repent and believe knowing that my sin is covered by the Blood of Christ. To God be the Glory! A few years later God radically saved my wife Lisa and has grown her by God’s grace. We moved to Alabama to be apart of Grace Life Church ( Pastor Jeff Noblit) to get our family under the Biblical Preaching of the Gospel. I have been doing street ministry and Open Air Preaching for about 5 years now and my wife hit’s the street with me also. We have been Blessed also that God has radically transformed my daughter Allison and gave her a heart of flesh and took her heart of stone away. She was born of the Spirit this year and was baptized on Easter Sunday. God has saved me later in life and I don’t want to waste the rest of my life. The Gospel needs to be proclaimed to this lost world in the highways and byways and all Glory to Jesus Christ that His name be great among the nations. Frank proclaiming freedom to the captives at First Friday in Florence HERE.
Scott Smith -Evangelist/Author
(sent by Andrews Presbyterian Church, Andrews, NC)
I have been a full-time missionary and street preacher since May 2010. My oversight board is the Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship (PEF), a 50 year old Reformed missionary sending organization. I call my specific ministry Schoolmaster Ministries for two reasons. First, it is imperative that a person understand sin, and the preaching of the law exposes not just sins, but our depraved fallen Adamic nature. By the law comes the knowledge of sin. (Rm 7:7) The Law therefore is a SCHOOLMASTER that teaches us to run to Christ for salvation from sin (Gal 3:24.) Secondarily, I spent 17 years of prior ministry as a SCHOOLMASTER and teacher in a Classical Christian preparatory school.
Originally from New England, God sovereignly converted me back in October, 1979 when I was in Hawaii on my way to Australia. Many years later God providentially ordered my steps to come to Orlando from Maine to attend Reformed Theological Seminary. I had planned a career change from business to advanced academics but the Lord led me into starting and running my own Classical Christian school after seminary graduation in 1994. For 16 years I ran Smith Prep but in my heart I held a long-cherished desire to be an open-air street-preacher. I felt that Christ was worthy of having someone stand up publicly for His glory in the highways and byways of this fallen world. I felt strongly that churches were not obedient in this critical area. It was also clear to me that the Lord had commanded His followers to be fishers of men.
Although it was a joy to teach and oversee a Prep School I was very happy when the Lord ordained that one of my teachers stepped up with a desire to take over my school. In May of 2010 the door opened for me to labor in His harvest fields as a full time street preacher. Accompanied by my wonderful wife Patte, I have had the privilege of joining with many other Reformed evangelists across the country preaching both God’s Law and the Glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Watch Scotts video bio HERE.
Pick up a copy of A Certain Sound co-authored by Scott Smith.
Watch A Call to Arms a powerful exhortation to take the Gospel to the captives.
Alexander Osborne -Evangelist/Christian film maker
(sent by Cornerstone Church, Richibucto, NB, Canada)
By the grace of God Alexander was called out of darkness and into light by His Maker. Since he heard the voice of His Shepherd he has devoted his life to proclaiming the truth. God has placed a fire in his bones to go and tell what the Lord has done for him. The Lord has used him greatly in the proclamation of His Word through video and street ministry. His company Life Light Productions seeks to glorify God through proclaiming the truth to lost and dying sinners. His short films SIN KILLS, The Truth About Abortion, The Faithful Witness, and Pray For North Korea continue to share the truth of Gods Word.
There is a great need for wisdom to cry out in the streets. Alexander biblically addresses this need in his award winning film Dominion: Proclaiming Truth in the True North
Kevin St. John -Evangelist
(sent by Gospel of Grace Fellowship Church, Weyburn, SK, Canada)
Kevin boldly and unashamedly preaches Christ and Him crucified for the Glory of the Father. He has been called to proclaim the excellencies of Christ by His Maker. Calgary Peacemakers obeys the commission to “GO!” and compel them to come in. His love for the Saints and the lost is evident in his preaching.
Listen to his admonishment to “GO!” in his sermon on evangelism HERE.
Watch Kevins testimony HERE.
Peter Van Waardhuizen -Evangelist
(sent by Grace Community Reformed Baptist Church, Lethbridge, Canada)
Peters passion for the lost is evident through his desire to see them saved. He takes the precious life-saving message of Jesus Christ to sinners in need of a Savior. God continues to draw His sheep to Himself through Peters ministry.
Nathan Agnew -Evangelist
(sent by Christ Fellowship Bible Church, Saint Louis, MO)
Nathan, husband of Sarah and their 3 boys are from St. Louis Missouri. Nathan was born and raised in a religious, church-going home, but was still a wretched sinner deserving the just wrath of God; although outwardly obedient and moral, inwardly he loved himself and this world rather than loving God or His Word. Yet, in the purpose and plan of God the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ saved Nathan and by His Spirit and grace, gave him the gift of faith and repentance. He now works full-time as an electrician, but desires to be a faithful follower of his Lord in every area of his life. Nathan loves to go out and preach the Gospel, not only because it is the only life-giving message for lost sinners, but also as a refreshment to his only soul, being reminded of the great work of God in saving his own soul from sin, death and hell.
Enrique Novelo -Pastor
(Pastor of Harvest Bible Church OW, Trial Farm, Orange Walk District, Belize, C.A.)

Matthew Pettingale -Evangelist
(sent by Crosspoint Church, Bangor, ME)
Matthew desires to see all Gods sheep hear His voice and follow Him. Sharing the Gospel with lost sinners is his driving passion. Whether on the radio or on the streets he seeks to fulfill the Great Commission.